Javascript Image Processing: Javascript Explained

image processing in node js

With Jimp, you can resize and crop images, convert them to the image format that fits your needs, and apply filters and effects. In this tutorial, we’ll go over how the library works and describe some common use cases for Jimp image manipulation. To add the text to the image, we chain the composite() function to the sharp instance and use the svgText variable as the input. In this example, robo.jpg is the processed image (or background image). To change the sharp instance’s file format from JPEG to PNG, we use the format() method.

Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly

GraphicsMagick is the better option of the two, given all the advantages it has over ImageMagick. I also looked at other libraries from the list but most of them are either very immature or do not suit my use case. I would really like to try migrating to either Node-Canvas or Node-Vips when Node-Waf gets ported to Windows but until then I’ll stick to node-imagemagick. First step is to create our HTML file, it contains only 35 lines. Let’s call it “OpenInsta”, you can check the final source code at my GitHub. The canvas native addon library is required for all tests to pass.

image processing in node js

Common Use Cases of Javascript for Image Processing

Next, we use the Buffer.from() function to create a Buffer object from the svgText variable and then store it in the svgBuffer variable. If you’re using a web bundles (webpack, rollup, parcel) you can benefit from using the module build of jimp. Using the module build will allow your bundler to understand your code better and exclude things you aren’t using.

image processing in node js

Working with Images in Node.js – GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick

image processing in node js

LogRocket is like a DVR for web and mobile apps, recording literally everything that happens while a user interacts with your app. Instead of guessing why problems happen, you can aggregate and report on problematic network requests to quickly understand the root cause. Making sure your Node instance continues to serve resources to your app is where things get tougher. If you’re interested in ensuring requests to the backend or third-party services are successful, try LogRocket. A Promise is an object that represents the success or failure of an asynchronous operation and its generated value. Sharp returns a Promise that can be used to perform actions whenever we’re done processing the image.

  1. All you have to do is to take the mean of R, G and B channels and apply it to R, G and B channels.
  2. Sharp compresses images faster than most other Node.js modules, like ImageMagick, Jimp, or Squoosh, and produces high-quality results.
  3. The area of the image that fits within the box will be extracted out and saved into sammy-cropped.png as a separate image.

In this example, after the image is successfully processed, the .then() method executes the code to save the image to the database. If the image process fails, the failure result is handled by .catch(). Before we launch into the two ways to store the image, you’ll want to create a new file named touch_database.js. Sharp does not currently have a method for adding text to an image. However, as a workaround, we can draw text using SVG and then use the composite() method to add the text image to the original image.

Step 1 — Setting Up the Project Directory and Downloading Images

Images are a big part of the puzzle you should be familiar with when it comes to building modern, fast, and user-friendly applications. Every application makes use of images in some way or another. To improve the efficiency and performance of your Node.js application even further, here are some additional recommendations. Online tools are also available to convert TTF fonts to BMFont format. To do this Jimp exposes the static function appendConstructorOption.

Image Composition is a process of combining two or more separate pictures to create a single image. This is done to create effects that borrow the best elements from the different photos. Another common use case is to watermark an image with a logo. The object has a background property which holds an object defining the RGBA color model. We have taken a look at how to perform image manipulation using GraphicsMagick. We also use the write() function to save the output to a new file.

Only JPEG pictures can use the mozjpeg property, and only WebP images can use the lossless property. The toFile() method is used to save the compressed image in the processed_images folder. Images are an important component of most applications that handle user-generated content. However, excessively large or unoptimized image files can negatively impact performance and user experience. A robust image processing solution can be invaluable for UGC management.

The first argument of the toFormat() method is a string containing the image format you want to convert your image to. The second argument is an optional object containing output options that enhance and compress the image. After resizing the image, you chain the sharp module’s toFile() method, which takes the image path as an argument. Passing sammy-resized.png as an argument will save the image file with that name in the working directory of your program.

The rotateImage() function is an asynchronous function that reads an image and will return the image rotated to an angle of 33 degrees. Within the function, the rotate() method of the sharp module takes two arguments. By default, sharp makes the background of the rotated image black. To remove the black background, you pass an object as a second argument to make the background transparent. Next, you pass the toFile() method a different filename to save the compressed image as sammy-resized-compressed.jpeg. To compress the image, you pass it a mozjpeg property that holds a boolean value.

Large images can cause performance issues, so it is important to optimize images for the web before using them in a project. Additionally, developers should be aware of the various image formats available and choose the best format for their project. Finally, developers should be aware of the various image processing techniques available and choose the best one for their project.